

MIF Russia 2021 Best Practices

2 Февраля 2022


1.       Comprehensive and long term training programs
2.       Trainings, strategic sessions
3.       Promo events

Comprehensive and long term training programs

In 2021 MIF Russia conducted 5 programs:

1. “I became a leader. What to do?” for chemical holding company

2. “Personal and team effectiveness” for a group of medical clinics

3. “Efficiency Management in a Changing World” for insurance company

4. “Managing Project Performance” for chemical manufacturer

5. Open training program “Managing Project Performance” for participants from different industries (manufacture, IT-solutions, distributor, etc.)

Trainings, strategic sessions

In 2021 MIF Russia conducted trainings and strategic sessions for companies in areas:

·       Construction business

·       Сhemical industry

·       Automotive industry

·       Engineering

·       Mining

·       Commercial real estate

·       Mechanical engineering

·       Software development company

Promo events

Coffee with an expert

In 2021 MIF Russia conducted 4 events of online project “Coffee with an expert”.

The first event project took place on February 26, 2021. The theme of the event was ′′Leader 2021: Bridge through the Ability′′. Irina Kurilenko held the meeting. We discussed the challenges faced by managers and employees in 2020, trends: what changes in managers training are expected in 2021 and leadership model by MIF.

Recording is available on MIF Russia YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/vT8ZFW-ddcU

The second event of the online project “Coffee with an expert” took place on May 5, 2021. The theme was ′′Your resource state in an ever-changing world′′. Marina Pryakhina, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Diploma in Body-Oriented Psychotherapy, in Stress Psychology was an expert of the event. We discussed internal and external human resources, where to look for resources to achieve life goals and at the same time maintain your health.

Recording of the event is available on MIF Russia YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/_-CALspZmaY

The third event of the online project took place October 1, 2021. Experts Elena Knyazeva, coach (PCC ICF) and Alexander Stashenko, agile Coach (ICP-ACC). We discussed what is coaching, what are the key principles of coaching works and the difference between coaching and consulting, training, coaching and other approaches.

Recording of the event is available on: https://youtu.be/hX_y7WFhLvE

The fourth event of the online project “Coffee with an expert” took place December 14, 2021. The expert of the meeting was Irina Kurilenko, director of MIF Russia, distributor, practitioner and master trainer Genos. Tauno Taajamaa, Director of Soprano Group, was welcomed the event and presented the top 10 skills of 2025 according to the report of the International Economic Forum and spoke about our perspectives in cooperation with Genos.

Recording of the event is available on: https://youtu.be/t9M9nrtirj8

Round table discussion ′′Main factors for cross-cultural team’s success′′
On April 29, MIF hosted a round table "Success factors in cross-cultural teams: features of successful interaction" with the participation of our Finnish colleagues, Russian colleagues from international companies.
The main topic discussed is the problem of overcoming the barriers of cross-cultural characteristics for effective collaboration.
Recording is available on YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/4qd_i6AHyVo

Master-class “Change Management”

On March 26, MIF Russia launched a new project “Your Guide to the Vuca World from an Opinion Leader”. This is a masterclass series from leading experts in online and offline formats.

The main topic of the first event was “Change Management”. We invited two experts to participate. Svetlana Smolko spoke on the topic “A man in a fast-changing world”. Sergey Ostrovsky spoke on the topic “Appreciative Inquiry - change management technology”.

Recording is available on YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/0GhvhGqaYwI

IX conference "Intercultural Dialogue in the Modern World"

On April 16, 2021, the IX conference with the participation of the international "Intercultural Dialogue in the Modern World" was held at St. Petersburg State University. The main theme of this year was the diversity of directions, forms, participants and problems of intercultural dialogue at the beginning of the XXI century.
At the plenary session, issues related to the peculiarities of cultural cooperation in the new international conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic were raised. The participants discussed the challenges and threats that she posed to all participants in the cultural exchange.
Irina Kurilenko presented MIF Russia, spoke about international projects and their contribution to the cultural space of St. Petersburg.

Recording is available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgntSqYDUhU

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